I had a hat once...
and i really loved that hat, one day when I woke up the hat was gone. And I thought to myself, if you really love somone he´ll come back to you. They always come back. Hahaha, någon som känner igen detta tro?
Huromhelst, mamma hittade min kära hatt igår, bucklig och fin. Men lika glad var jag för det, för den ska allt få hänga med på min lilla resa. Imorgon är dagen med stort D, och jag har inte ens börjat packa, inte ens lagt upp vad jag ska ha med mig.. Så ska nog börja lite smått här. Fram med sommarkläderma!
ONE A HAD A FROG! haha eller hur gick den? haha bellas påhitt va?
Haha I had a frog once tror jag, och sen frog istället för hat. haha, nje smala sussie tror jag det kommer ifrån, men kristian som sagt det till bella sen om jag inte minns fel.
Haha klockrent Sandra! Smala Sussie stämmer bra ;)
I had a little frog once. A little green frog, very cute.
And I loved that frog very, very much. It meant everything to me.
And one day I woke up. The frog was gone.
And I thought to myself that if the frog is gone, I'm going to kill myself.
So I stood there in my boyroom with my stepfathers gun pointing at myself. Ready to kill.
The little frog walks in to the room like this, and he stands and look at me.
Then I understood. That if you really, really love someone, as my frog did with me, they can come back. And that's not only animals. It could be people also.
So if Slim Susie loves you, she will come back, I promise. She's coming back.
Be happy and jump on your moped and take a ride around the city and burn out and have fun. You and your moped.
Thank you for listening. Over and out